Is it possible to turn stressful situations into opportunities? Try these steps -
Be Self-Assured - understand your capabilities, and your place within your environment. Things and people don't care about your priorities. Something breaks, someone impedes your progress. They don't care. You cannot control this.
Scan Outwards - do not turn inwards to your emotions. Scan your environment. What options are there? What are the alternatives?
Resolve - you now have two options:
Direct resolution - identify the obstacle and take steps to remove it and reach your goal, or
Indirect resolution - identify alternative solutions and implement a new strategy or even a new goal.
When dealing with people, turn this into an opportunity to strengthen the relationship. As you scan outwards, you can seek to understand their priorities and motivations.
Is this an opportunity to help them achieve their goals?
Create a win/win situation?
Even better, would there be an opportunity for an alternative solution that would benefit both parties even more than the original?