Think about your life and every stage you went through.
It was failure from the beginning.
At each stage.
Every first attempt.
You were born and did not have the capability to take care of yourself. Failure
You could not walk. Failure
You could not talk. Failure
You pooped your pants. Failure
You didn't know math. Failure
You couldn't drive a car. Failure
You couldn't sustain your first romantic relationship. Failure
Your first business couldn't survive. Failure
But isn't that life?
At what point did we start blaming ourselves for failure?
At what point did we stop trying?
When did we become so afraid of failure?
You failed your whole life. It’s part of the process. That is life.
Life is failure.
The only difference is now you have the ability to choose your failures.
So why not choose to fail well for something you really want?