"I can't do my job anymore. There is no point."
"No matter what I do, I can't change the outcome."
"There is no satisfaction, no win."
"Work is a continuous loop. Never-ending. No end in sight."
"One project ends, another takes its place."
"I want to try sales. There is a clear goal. Clear win. Clear result at the end. I can control the outcome."
I didn't know it, but what I was describing was Flow.
You're not unhappy with your job.
You're unhappy because your job is not set up for Flow.
You're not looking for a new job.
You're looking for Flow.
Can you create flow in your current job? If not, relentlessly seek for Flow. Don't change jobs for the sake of changing. Only change when you are not learning and can't set up or they won't let you set up for Flow.