What is Happiness?
A side-effect of the optimal experience. Continue to pursue the optimal experience to create Flow and Happiness will follow.
What is Optimal Experience?
Experiences we make through activities of Flow where we feel a sense of excitement, achievement, and a deep sense of enjoyment.
What is Flow?
A state of being while doing an activity where nothing else matters. The activity itself is so enjoyable that it is pursued, even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.
Rules for Flow
Moderately Challenging - need to have a chance of "winning"
Clear Goals - needs to have a "win" condition
Rule-based System - no cheating, no abstract
Clear Indicators of Performance - score, revenue, KPIs, EXP, needs to be obvious
Control of Self - must have feeling of control of abilities to influence the outcome
Know the rules and set up your life to contain as many Flow activities as possible.